Revolutionizing Retail Recommendations with Graph Machine Learning

Leading E-commerce Retailer

person using laptop computer holding card
person using laptop computer holding card
  • Static Recommendations: Outdated collaborative filtering couldn't adapt to dynamic user behavior.

  • Low Conversion Rates: Lack of real-time personalization hindered revenue growth.

  • Poor User Experience: Irrelevant suggestions affected customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Business Challenge
Vihaze's Solution

ViHaze team, discussed and understood the business issue. Planned and articulated a plan with maximum ROI. So we implemented an end-to-end Graph ML-based recommendation engine that adapts to user interests and product properties in real time

Business Success:

pen om paper
pen om paper
black and silver laptop computer
black and silver laptop computer
person holding black ipad with green plant
person holding black ipad with green plant

Sales Increase -
25% increase in sales

Higher Conversion Rates -
18% improvement due to personalized suggestions

Enhanced User Experience -
30% increase in customer satisfaction

Our tailored recommendation engine significantly boosted our client's business performance. By leveraging AI to understand customer preferences, we increased engagement, improved sales, and enhanced overall user experience. This project demonstrates how targeted AI solutions can drive tangible results, turning data into actionable insights and satisfied customers. At Vihaze, we're committed to creating AI-driven success stories like this for businesses across industries.